The Grove

Does Your Bedtime Routine Include Giving Thanks?
Roots & Branches Wellness Roots & Branches Wellness

Does Your Bedtime Routine Include Giving Thanks?

Have you noticed a shift in your ability to catch quality sleep? Perhaps you reminisce about the days when falling asleep was a breeze, and waking up felt like a refreshing reset. If you find yourself struggling with sleep, you're not alone. The good news is that incorporating a few minutes of intentional gratitude into your daily routine might be the key to better sleep. Research suggests that expressing gratitude is not only linked to improved sleep quality but can also help reduce negative personality traits associated with impaired sleeping.

The Relationship Between Gratitude and Sleep…

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Mental Health First-Aid Kit: Breathe
Wellness, First-Aid Kit Roots & Branches Wellness Wellness, First-Aid Kit Roots & Branches Wellness

Mental Health First-Aid Kit: Breathe

Take a moment to reconnect with yourself through the power of breath. Breathing exercises are a simple yet profound tool that can transform your mental well-being. By consciously engaging in different techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing, box breathing, 4-7-8 breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and breath counting, you unlock a world of benefits. Feel the weight of stress lift as you inhale deeply, inviting calmness into your being. Witness anxiety melt away with each deliberate exhale. These exercises promote relaxation, reduce tension, and cultivate a sense of balance. With just a few mindful breaths, you can enhance focus, improve self-awareness, and manage your emotions effectively. So, pause, take a deep breath, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and mental well-being.

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Bedtime Snacks: A Guide to Healthy and Sleep-Friendly Options
Wellness Laura Parry Wellness Laura Parry

Bedtime Snacks: A Guide to Healthy and Sleep-Friendly Options

Unsure if eating right before bed is a good idea? Going to sleep with a full stomach may seem like a bad idea but snacking before bed might actually help you get better rest. What snacks are best before bed if you want still want to get good sleep? These snacks are best for adults and children and won't cost you a wink of shut-eye.

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