Roots & Branches Wellness

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What is Existential Anxiety?

Have you ever experienced existential anxiety? Existential anxiety is a feeling of dread, unease, or fear that can be brought on by contemplating one's existence and place in the universe. Questions about the meaning of life and death and feeling directionless or purposeless may also trigger it. It is common to struggle with some of these questions. If you find it’s hard to cope with this type of anxiety, please talk to a therapist and see the tips below:

1. Acknowledge the anxiety: recognize that existential anxiety is a real, valid emotion. Don't push it away or ignore it. 

2. Reflect on your values and meaning: think about what matters to you and what your life's purpose is. Consider what you value and how you want to live your life. 

3. Connect with others: reach out to family, friends, or a therapist to talk about your feelings. Building connections and relationships can help you feel supported.

4. Practice Self-Care and mindfulness: Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, exercise, and practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness. Avoid the ‘doom scroll' that can cause or worsen existential anxiety.

5. Get involved: find activities that bring joy and fulfillment to your life. Make time for hobbies or volunteer work. Do things that have a purpose and make you feel connected to something bigger.

Does existential anxiety go away? For some, anxiety is a part of life that will always be there to some extent. By following the above tips you can hopefully lessen your distress when you do experience this type of anxiety, and of course seeking professional help can aid you in feeling better.