Roots & Branches Wellness

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Rediscover Intimacy Through Sensate Focus

Physical intimacy can be challenging after significant life changes. For instance, couples who have recently had a baby are typically advised to refrain from sexual intercourse for at least six weeks postpartum. However, even after this period, some women may not feel ready due to residual pain, discomfort, postpartum depression, body image changes, or other factors. Similarly, women experiencing menopause or men returning from long deployments or extended absences may struggle to reconnect physically with their partners.

If you and your partner are facing physical disconnection and a lack of sexual desire, whether due to these circumstances or other reasons, sensate focus exercises can help you gradually rebuild intimacy. This structured practice involves giving and receiving progressive levels of sensual touch, without expectations around arousal or sex. The goal is to refocus your attention on the simple pleasures of physical closeness and being fully present in your senses. By starting with this gentle approach, couples can ease back into the habit of physical connection, addressing challenges at a comfortable pace.

What is Sensate Focus?

Sensate focus was developed by sex therapists as a way for couples to rekindle physical and emotional connection in a relaxed, low-pressure way. It involves partners taking turns exploring each other's bodies through different stages of touch over multiple sessions.

The Stages of Sensate Focus In the initial stages, the giving partner simply runs their hands along defined areas like the face, arms and legs in a soothing, attentive way. There is no sexual touch or nudity - just reconnecting to the intimacy of human touch itself.

As partners move through additional stages at their own pace, more areas of the body become available for exploring. You may work up to full nude body massage, showering together, or intimate touch of the breasts/genitals, but this is not the end goal. Sexual activity is still restricted.

The point is to move slowly and delay gratification, tuning into the sensations of warm skin, muscles, curves and textures without the performance anxiety of having to become aroused or have an orgasm. You can simply relax into the experience.

Benefits of Sensate Focus

This practice helps couples who have become emotionally or physically distant rebuild comfort, playfulness and vulnerability with each other in a no-pressure way. You learn to be patient, communicative and attuned to both giving and receiving pleasure through your senses.

In our busy, hurried lives, we often lose the ability to actually be fully present during intimacy. Sensate focus is a powerful mindfulness practice, as you concentrate on breathing, seeing, smelling, tasting and feeling your partner's body like it's the first time.

And while the goal isn't necessarily sexual activity, many couples do rediscover their arousal and desire through this process of somatic reawakening. You essentially reopen the door to wanting by removing demands and relearning embodied sensuality.

When to Try Sensate Focus

Sensate focus can be helpful for all couples who feel their sex life has become a bit stale, overly routine or disconnected. It's also highly recommended for those struggling with desire issues, arousal difficulties, problems with body image, or recovering from sexual dysfunction, trauma or infidelity.

By removing performance pressures and slowing everything down, you can start fresh together and remember the enveloping intimacy that exists beyond orgasms. With time and patience, that flame can organically rekindle into passion.