The Grove

Self-Care Strategies That Actually Work for New Mothers
Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness

Self-Care Strategies That Actually Work for New Mothers

This guide offers practical self-care strategies for new mothers, emphasizing both physical and mental wellbeing. From micro-moments of mindfulness to professional mental health support, these approaches acknowledge the realities of life with a newborn while prioritizing a mother's needs. Remember: caring for yourself isn't optional—it's essential for sustainable, healthy motherhood.

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From Overwhelm to Intention: Making Space for Yourself as a New Parent
Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness

From Overwhelm to Intention: Making Space for Yourself as a New Parent

Parenthood reshapes identity, often leaving new parents feeling overwhelmed and disconnected. Reclaiming a sense of self involves small steps like scheduling self-care micro-moments, reimagining hobbies, setting realistic expectations, leaning on support networks, and engaging in reflective practices. Embracing your evolving identity with intention can transform this transition into an opportunity for growth.

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The Vital Role of Postpartum Doulas in Recovery
Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness

The Vital Role of Postpartum Doulas in Recovery

A postpartum doula offers emotional, physical, and informational support to new mothers during their recovery and adjustment period. From assisting with breastfeeding challenges and light household tasks to providing education and partner guidance, postpartum doulas are invaluable in easing the transition into motherhood. Discover how their compassionate care can help new moms navigate this life-changing time with greater confidence.

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Bonding with Your Newborn
Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness

Bonding with Your Newborn

Bonding with your newborn can take time and isn't always instant. Feeling detached or guilty is common but not a reflection of your abilities as a mother. Embrace the gradual process of building a connection, engage in small bonding moments, and seek support if needed. This blog post is designed to help you reframe some of your deepest worries about bonding with your newborn.

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Battling Perinatal OCD: Recognizing the Signs and Finding Support
Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness

Battling Perinatal OCD: Recognizing the Signs and Finding Support

Perinatal OCD is an often overlooked condition that can occur during pregnancy or the first year postpartum. It involves persistent, intrusive thoughts, usually about harming the baby, which lead to compulsive behaviors like excessive cleaning or checking. These behaviors offer only temporary relief, trapping mothers in a cycle of anxiety and stress. For example, Bethany, a new mother, obsessively monitors air quality and cleanliness, isolating herself and feeling overwhelmed. Recognizing the signs and seeking specialized help is crucial. At Roots & Branches, therapists provide support to break the cycle of perinatal OCD.

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Understanding Baby Blues vs. Postpartum Depression
Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness

Understanding Baby Blues vs. Postpartum Depression

Navigating the emotional challenges after childbirth can be tough. While the baby blues are common and usually short-lived, postpartum depression is more severe and persistent. Roots & Branches offers specialized support for new mothers facing these issues. Contact us for compassionate care to help you find balance and well-being during this transformative time.

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Understanding Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex (D-MER)
Maternal Mental Health, Postpartum Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health, Postpartum Roots & Branches Wellness

Understanding Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex (D-MER)

Breastfeeding can bring unexpected challenges like Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex (D-MER), causing brief, intense negative emotions just before milk let down. D-MER is linked to hormonal changes, not psychological issues or disliking breastfeeding. Symptoms include sadness, dread, and anxiety, lasting 30 seconds to two minutes. It's distinct from postpartum depression but can occur alongside it. Manage D-MER with skin-to-skin contact, relaxation techniques, and support. For more info, visit or consult your healthcare provider.

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Navigating Grief and Healing After Pregnancy Loss: A Lifespan Integration Approach
Maternal Mental Health, Grief, Lifespan Integration, Relationships Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health, Grief, Lifespan Integration, Relationships Roots & Branches Wellness

Navigating Grief and Healing After Pregnancy Loss: A Lifespan Integration Approach

Grief can strain even the strongest relationships, and the loss of a pregnancy can affect partners in different ways. Open, honest, and empathetic communication becomes crucial during this time to ensure that both individuals feel supported and understood. It's important to remember that there's no "right" way to grieve, and partners may process their loss differently. Regular check-ins, acknowledging differences in grieving styles, and creating shared rituals can help couples navigate this challenging time together, fostering connection and mutual support even amidst grief. Using Lifespan Integration can help with the grieving process and honor the profound significance of their loss while also reconnecting with their broader life narrative.

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Celebrating Mother's Day: Honoring Maternal Mental Health
Maternal Mental Health, Motherhood Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health, Motherhood Roots & Branches Wellness

Celebrating Mother's Day: Honoring Maternal Mental Health

As Mother's Day approaches, it's crucial to remember its origins beyond commercialism. Anna Jarvis envisioned it as a platform for political advocacy, especially for maternal health and women's rights. Yet, the true essence of the occasion has been overshadowed by consumerism, leaving many mothers feeling overwhelmed and unsupported in their daily struggles.

As a mental health therapist, I witness firsthand the toll these pressures take on maternal mental health, from anxiety to feelings of inadequacy. This Mother's Day, let's reclaim its true spirit by prioritizing maternal well-being over material gifts. Let's create a culture of empathy and understanding, where mothers feel empowered to seek help without stigma. Together, let's honor the resilience of mothers everywhere and advocate for policies that support their mental health. Because when mothers thrive, families thrive, and society as a whole benefits.

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Dealing with Infertility: The Decision to Stop Trying for a Baby
Wellness, Self-Care, Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness Wellness, Self-Care, Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness

Dealing with Infertility: The Decision to Stop Trying for a Baby

"When is it OK to stop trying to conceive?" This question weighs heavily on those facing infertility. While deeply personal, an informed decision considers emotional, physical, and financial factors. There are alternative paths to parenthood, or the option to embrace a child-free life. In recognizing the complexity of this decision, seeking support and understanding while considering alternative paths can guide you to a life of fulfillment and joy.

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5 Handpicked Books That Make Great Baby Shower Gifts
Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness

5 Handpicked Books That Make Great Baby Shower Gifts

Looking for the perfect gift for an upcoming baby shower? Look no further! This blog post offers a curated list of five books that are not only thoughtful but also empowering for expectant mothers. The selections cover a range of topics crucial to the journey into motherhood, from addressing fears and anxieties to navigating the postpartum period with grace.

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Dating Your Grief: Techniques for Coping and Healing by Integrating Grief into Your Life
Wellness, Relationships, Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness Wellness, Relationships, Maternal Mental Health Roots & Branches Wellness

Dating Your Grief: Techniques for Coping and Healing by Integrating Grief into Your Life

Grief is a universal human experience, and everyone experiences it in their own way. However, integrating grief into your life can help you come to terms with your loss and move forward in a healthy way. In this blog post, we explore techniques for integrating grief into your daily life, including compartmentalizing, creating a deliberate grief ritual, using a labyrinth, and taking notes. These techniques can help you acknowledge your loss and work through your emotions in a healthy and intentional way.

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Empowering Maternal Wellness: Navigating Pregnancy, Postpartum, and Postpartum Depression
Maternal Mental Health, Group Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health, Group Roots & Branches Wellness

Empowering Maternal Wellness: Navigating Pregnancy, Postpartum, and Postpartum Depression

Pregnancy and the postpartum period are transformative experiences, both physically and emotionally. Roots & Branches Wellness understands the importance of community and support during this time, offering a perinatal education and support group facilitated by PSI-trained therapists. This group provides a valuable space for mothers to connect, share experiences, and gain knowledge about pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care. The postpartum period, often challenging for new mothers, carries the risk of postpartum depression (PPD), a serious mental health condition. Recognizing the signs of PPD is crucial for early intervention and treatment. Therapy, including approaches like Lifespan Integration (LI) and medication, can effectively address PPD and maternal mental health concerns. At Roots & Branches, mothers find a safe haven, with therapists specially trained in maternal mental health, ready to provide compassionate care and guidance. Whether joining a support group or seeking individual therapy, mothers are encouraged to reach out for the support they deserve. Remember, you're not alone; a supportive community awaits to assist you on your journey towards maternal well-being.

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What are the risks for developing perinatal mood disorders?
Maternal Mental Health, Postpartum, Motherhood Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health, Postpartum, Motherhood Roots & Branches Wellness

What are the risks for developing perinatal mood disorders?

Discovering the intricate landscape of perinatal mood disorders is essential for expectant and new parents. This blog post delves into critical risk factors that can impact emotional well-being during this transformative period. From a history of mental health challenges, experiences of sexual trauma, and reproductive hardships to relationship issues and social support deficiencies, each factor is explored. The post emphasizes the importance of proactive support, urging individuals to seek professional help and leverage resources to navigate the perinatal journey successfully. Encouraging self-care, the post concludes with a reminder that seeking assistance is a strength, not a weakness, and that a robust support system is key to embracing the challenges of parenthood.

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Parenting with Mindful Awareness: Nurturing Compassion in Making Mistakes
Maternal Mental Health, Parenting, Self-Care Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health, Parenting, Self-Care Roots & Branches Wellness

Parenting with Mindful Awareness: Nurturing Compassion in Making Mistakes

Parenting is a journey filled with love, joy, and occasional missteps. As caregivers, we strive to provide the best for our children, but sometimes we make mistakes along the way. In those moments, practicing mindful awareness can be a guiding light, helping us navigate the complexities of parenting with compassion and understanding. By pausing, observing our thoughts and emotions, and reconnecting with our children, we create an environment of openness and empathy. Through mindful awareness, we can embrace our imperfections, learn from our mistakes, and cultivate a loving and nurturing bond with our children. Together, let's embark on this mindful parenting journey, fostering self-compassion and strengthening our relationships one mindful moment at a time.

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Gift Guide for New Moms: Ways to Support Mental Health and Well-Being
Maternal Mental Health, Self-Care, Postpartum Roots & Branches Wellness Maternal Mental Health, Self-Care, Postpartum Roots & Branches Wellness

Gift Guide for New Moms: Ways to Support Mental Health and Well-Being

Show support to new moms with gifts that promote their mental well-being and self-care. From comfortable robes to guided meditation apps, check out these gift ideas to help new moms navigate the challenges of motherhood during the fourth trimester with ease and joy.

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